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January 2, 2015

What to Do With Home Insurance When Home Value Increases

The real estate industry is on the upswing after a bunch of down years. That means home values are increasing more than ever, with the trend projected to continue. With these values going up, homeowners might need to take another look at their current home insurance coverage. Even if your home might be worth more […]
March 3, 2015

Why It’s Important to Insure Your Condo

Buying a condo provides the luxuries — namely, tax incentives and building equity — of ownership, in combination with the ease of apartment living. While you do own your property, you don’t have to waste your time worrying about mowing the lawn or repairing the roof. That stuff is all up to the Homeowner’s Associations […]
May 1, 2015

Get the Right Coverage for Your Restaurant

Though a restaurant is a business, these establishments have their own unique risks that differ from other businesses. Hot surfaces, kitchen knives, alcohol for purchase, food safety — these are just a few of the risks a restaurant faces on a daily basis. That’s why restaurant insurance policies can be purchased to protect your pub, […]