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Home » Get Your Business Ready for Black Friday
November 11, 2014

Get Your Business Ready for Black Friday

Man in warehouseBlack Friday is the biggest day of the year for retailers all over the country. It’s a crazy day for business owners who have to prepare and get ready for the swarms of customers that will come in. If your business is going to participate in Black Friday, here are some good tips to make the day easier for you and your employees.

  • Review your inventory: Make sure you know what items are going to be trendy during the holidays and prepare properly. The last thing you want is for your stock to get wiped out early on Black Friday and have disappointed customers for the rest of the day. Keep your stock up to date.
  • Plan staff hours: This is important. Black Friday is a hectic day so you need to make sure your have a proper staff to help out. Talk to your employees ahead of time and work out a good schedule for everyone.
  • Sales bring in customers: The whole point of Black Friday is great prices on expensive items for one day out of the year. If you want people to come to your store over others, offer competitive prices on your items to get people in the door. This doesn’t mean everything has to be on sale, but offer enough to get people inside and then they could potentially buy more.
  • Marketing adjustments: Offer sales is no good if nobody knows about it. Ramp up your marketing efforts to make sure people know what’s going on at your store.
  • Website Testing: To beat the Black Friday rush, people will check stores’ websites and make sure they have the item they want before heading in. That can mean more traffic. Make sure your website is up to date with your current inventory and is prepared for the increased traffic.

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Tags: black friday, business insurance, insurance, New York, New York business insurance

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